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Procrastination Types

Sue Wheeler

Which one are you?

According to behavioural experts, there are 6 different types of procrastinators:

  1. The Perfectionist

  2. The Dreamer

  3. The Worrier

  4. The Crisis Maker

  5. The Defier

  6. The Over-Doer

1. The Perfectionist

The perfectionist is reluctant to start or finish a task because they don’t want anything to be less than perfect.

2. The Dreamer

The Dreamer will have lots of ideas but will do little about them. The dreamer doesn’t like details. This makes ideas difficult to implement. Their thinking style is likely to be fuzzy, and they end up procrastinating because of this fuzziness thinking.

3. The Worrier

The worrier have an excessive need for security and a fear of the unknown and typically use "what if.."

They are over-cautious and their excessive anxiousness about the result of a task can make them procrastinate or not start at all.

4. The Crisis Maker

The ‘Crisis Maker’ believes that in order to be motivated to do a task, they need the stress or pressure that is in the last-minute action. Without this, they believe, they won’t perform at their best. The crisis-maker is addicted to the adrenaline rush of living on the edge.

5. The Defier

The defier is a rebel and they set their own schedule. Often they work to schedules that doesn't work for others. The Defier will often agree to do something grudgingly but will not complete the agreed task. The Defier has similarities to a "sulky defiant teenager"

6. The Over-Doer

The over-doer commits to doing too many tasks. Often these tasks are for others and the result is not prioritising their own tasks. They can sometimes be unable to make choices and establish priorities.

Did you spot some of your traits in the above? It is likely that everyone has bits of all these traits at some point when tackling tasks.

If you are a procrastinator, don't worry, help is at hand!

(You're secret is safe with me!)

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